Publishers Weekly: "impressive," "superb," "excellent"
Flunking Sainthood: RNS-Jana Riess
Feminsimxianity and Feminism and Religion: Caryn Riswold
Juvenile Instructor: Janiece Johnson
Zelophehads Daughters: “Petra”
Exponent Blog: “TopHat”
By Common Consent: Amanda
Publishers Weekly: With Joanna Brooks
By Common Consent: Steve with Joanna and Rachel
Aspiring Mormon Women: Naomi Watkins with Joanna, Hannah, and Rachel
Salon: With Joanna
Broadly: With Hannah
Flunking Sainthood: Jana Riess with Hannah and Rachel
Exponent II Magazine: Lisa Hadley with Joanna, Hannah, and Rachel
Amazon: With Joanna, Hannah, and Rachel
Huffington Post: Joanna
Huffington Post: Joanna
A Thoughtful Faith: Gina and Joanna
The Cultural Hall: Richie Steadman with Rachel
The Mormon Book Review: Kirk Caudle with Rachel
Benchmark Event: Hannah and Rachel
Publishers Weekly: Top 10 Fall 2015 Religious Books
Juvenile Instructor: 2015 Best Mormon History Books- Ben Park
Exponent Blog- Rachel: Mormon Women Write
Exponent Blog- Rachel: To Hold in Their Hands
Tumblr posts:
"Why are Mormon women...excluded from top leadership roles in the church?"
Quote by Emmeline B. Wells
This Is What a Mormon Feminist Looks Like